Thursday, May 19, 2011


Anjahli and I got to go hang out with her cousins last night, while their parents went with their oldest to a "bring your parents to youth group night". I love being so close to them, and watching them grow up. My sister has a little boy who is almost two years old, and I am looking forward to him and anjahli becoming best buds! he was arguing with me last night on whos baby anjahlis was. I would say " whos baby is that? in which he would reply " my baby" when I said " no thats my baby" he would say " MOE ( no) thats my baby".
at first he wasn't a huge fan of her, mostly because all she did was eat, sleep, and lay there. now that she has become way more moble and able to stand he follows her everywhere saying " no baby" or he is showing her new things to do around their house.

this is him showing her how to pat on the window.

I actually got a picture of them both looking at me also!

Anjahli is also very into giving kisses right now to anyone who asks! and she is now working on closing her mouth when she kisses people to. so last night the kids were asking for kisses! so anjahli thought heck kisses all around!

she also has two cousins that are a bit older then her so they like to pack her around, and hold her lots! they will be good babysitter for her when they are all just a little bit older! ;)
I am very happy that she will be able to grow up with cousins around her age, I never got that when I was youner, and it was something I always wish I could of had!

oh the stories they will make! :D

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