Friday, May 6, 2011


I figured it was time to start a blog, and with Anjahli taking regular naps now, I will have more time to actually sit down and write about the new things going on in our lives. I figured this would be much easier for my family who are not living in the valley to hear about whats going on in our family! I am a pretty bad e-mailer/phone caller. so this may be a wee bit easier for me. plus I am tired of posting a bunch of pictures on fb. its not the best thing to do, I don't need the whole fb world seeing whats going on in our life.

so now you will just have to be patient with me as I learn how to post pictures, and blog. ( never have been one to blog)

I wasn't to sure if I should start at the beginning of our wedding or the beginning of our daughter coming into the world, so I think i am just going to start from here and go forward. our daughter ( anjahli) is now 9 months and will be 10 months on the 24 of May. I can't believe how fast time has flown by! I look at her now, and think where did that wee infant go that couldn't do anything on her own? she is now the master mind of getting into everything and putting EVERYTHING in her mouth even little tiny tiny crumbs that Justin and I can't see ourselves. since about Dec. she had mastered the ability of army crawling and was able to get from A-B pretty dang fast. but here in the last week she has finally decided she is going to crawl, she now gets from A-B in a split sec, and is on to C-D before we realize she was even at B! she is fast! she is also standing on everything, and wanting to walk really bad, she lets go of things sometimes to test her ability, sometimes she stands there for a bit, and other times she just falls to her bum! she has been saying dada a lot, and this morning woke up saying another word...not mama nope she was saying baba. mind you she has probably drank from a baba 10 times her whole little life, but that is the word she has now decided she likes to say over and over! she is into making elephant noises with her dad, and other cute little noises. her and Justin have that cute little daddy daughter relationship already! and I am loving it! mostly because I know she is still a mamma's girl, at the end of the day when she is super tired, I am pretty much the only one to make her world better.

more to come........


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! Can't wait to read more. :)

  2. Great start, Brittney! I am so excited to get to see more that you think is important. Let me know if I can help with the blogger thing.
